Raised $999.00
Goal unlimited

Help Us Build A Well

Fresh water access in the rural ares of Mityana is a very big problem to many people as it is hard for them to move long distances looking for fresh
Raised $1,500.00
Goal unlimited

Help Us Build a New Library

Help us raise funds to build up new libraries for the children in the community of Mityana, Luwero, Jinja, Iganga, Kiboga, Arua, Gulu and Hoima.The construction of the Mityana Library
Raised $0
Goal unlimited

Build A School For Helping Poor Children

This is Kasome Primary School Based in Mityana, it is the only teaching institute in the region and it faces a lot of challenges like over crowding in the classrooms,
Raised $1,199.00
Goal unlimited

Building A Shelter Home

There is a big need for the construction of new shelter homes in ares of kansanga, Ndejje,luweero and mukono here we have registered a large number of homeless street children
Raised $0
Goal unlimited

Land For Farming Projects

As a way to empower the children with skills such as baking, Catering, fashion and design, weaving, modeling and Farming. we would like to buy a new pieces of Land